These are some suggestions for questions you might like to ask when you see your doctor for your test results. They won’t all apply to you and there are bound to be others you’d like to ask. Use them as a springboard for your own list.
- What kind of cancer do I have?
- Is it curable or controllable?
- Why did I get it – is it genetic? Are my family at increased risk of cancer?
- Have my tests shown how far the cancer has grown?
- Will I need any more tests?
- Can I have copies of my test results sent to me?
- Is this a specialist centre for treating liver cancer?
- Should I have treatment at a specialist centre?
- Do I need surgery?
- What other treatments do I need?
- I’ve heard about personalised treatment – what is it and will I get that?
- Should I have molecular testing on the cancer?
- What are the side effects of the treatment you recommend?
- Is there a number I can call if I have more questions or need some support during my treatment?
- Are there any clinical trials I could join?
Content last reviewed: October 2022
Next review date: October 2025